Monday, October 8, 2007

3. How we escape responsibility for our loneliness

According to Ira J. Tanner, in “Loneliness” in Harper & Row, Publisher, Inc., 1973, p34-51, “we attempt to escape the responsibility for our fear of love” (p34) “to justify our bitterness and fear by playing the role of victim” (p35) and to solve this problem, “beginning by taking small risks at first” (p37) is best way.
Tanner said we try to regard ourselves as victims when reaching out other people’s love and failing to get their responds (1973, p34). According to Tanner, it means that “As victims, we are unwilling to take the responsibility for our decisions, feeling, and behavior” (1973, p35). The author attributes the cause of this tendency to our idea to justify bitterness and fear that we would feel (Tanner, 1973, p35). By justifying our emotion, according to the author, we can “blame others for our hurts” (Tanner, 1973, P35) and it “enables us to do something about them” (Tanner, 1973, p34). Also, Tanner attach it is possible to continue through life in much the same fashion (1973, p 34).
The author suggests “beginning with small risks” as solution for this (Tanner, 1973, p37). According to Tanner, “If we begin with big ones, and if things go wrong, we may not be able to assume responsibility for the painful reaction” (1973, p37). Tanner said, however, if we allow ourselves to take a small risk and “start the safest and most responsible way to begin to express our feelings” (1973, p38), we can take the next step. (1973, p38) And Tanner conclude we could be “in the position of being more responsible for all of our feelings; trusting them more and consequently being less afraid of love” (1973, p39)
In conclusion, Tanner argues that we tend to victimize ourselves in relationship with others, because we want to evade responsibility for our fear of love (1973, 31-37). However beginning by taking small risks carry us over this, he said (Tanner, 1973, p37-51)

Tanner’s explanation is easy to understand. First, he gives appropriate example for his arguments. When he explains to overcome avoiding responsibility, he shows one of his patients’ cases, and analyzes it step by step. On every step for his patient to express his emotion to others, Tanner try to explain the reason for he to choose that method and change of his confidence. Also, he is likely to use common example, but he suggest different aspect of it. For instance, when he mentioned “the most popular games of childhood such as “if it weren’t for you,” (Tanner, 1973, p34) “see what you made me do,” (Tanner, 1973, p34) and “it’s all your fault” (Tanner, 1973, p34) His sharp eyes pointed out that all these games “place the responsibility for hurt, fear, or mistakes out there” (Tanner, 1973, p34). It makes us understand the secret mechanism of our emotion through observing common examples we already know and repeat all the time.
However, the only problem this chapter has is there is no unity in this part. When we see the title “how we escape responsibility for our loneliness” we can only expect contents of this chapter is what kind the responsibility is and why we escape it, but he conclude the result for this so fast and attached “several of the myths about loneliness,” (Tanner, 1973, p43) which has nothing to do with previous contents. It is very important part in his whole book; however, this cannot be a good reason enough to get rid of the doubt why it should be placed in this chapter.
In conclusion, he explain the mechanism of avoiding responsibility for fear of love with specific and appropriate examples, but some part spoiled the unity of this chapter.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Because of our fear of love...


According to Ira J. Tanner, in “Loneliness” in Harper & Row, Publisher, Inc., 1973, p 1-20, “we are lonely because of our fear of love” (p.3), and it is born and accelerated in childhood through communication within parents (p.4-11).
Tanner argue that “no one escapes loneliness, because feelings of inferiority, based upon a fear of love, are a basic condition of childhood” (1973, p4). Loneliness has its beginning in this childhood, between the ages of one and three, when child try to reach out for love (Tanner, 1973, p2). According to Tanner, however, when it is not rewarded, “the child does not understand intellectually the reasons for the lack of response” (1973, p3) even though parents can not pay attention to him or her with other reasons (1973, p3). The author point out that “the child can interpret this lack of response is to doubt his own self worth concluding that there must be something about him that is unlovable” (Tanner, 1973, p3-4). It means, according to Tanner, “he is discovering that whenever he reaches out for love there is risk; sometimes the response meets his needs, at other times it is woefully inadequate” (1973, p4). Tanner said, therefore, “The less we are willing to risk, the more lonely we become” (1973, p14).
Through communication with parents, this tendency is accentuated. According to Tanner, “As child grow older, asks more questions, and expresses his individuality in the form of adventure, inquisitiveness, curiosity, and spontaneity, adults unwittingly apply value judgment apply value judgments to what he expresses” (1973, p4). Tanner said “It isn’t surprising that these judgments gradually lead the child to conclude that his person has two sides - a good and a bad side, or a weak side and strong side” (1973, p.6). So Tanner mentioned “he concludes that if he is to remain in the good graces of his parents and not be cut off from their love, he will have to try to abandon his “bad’ or “weak” side” (1973, p6). According to author, in other words, “The natural flowing manner in which he would spontaneously respond to outside stimuli gradually gives way to the manner in which he feels he should and must respond if he is to keep the love of his parents” (Tanner, 1973, p7) Tanner conclude that “he loses his own central valuing system” and it make his loneliness more worse. (Tanner, 1973, p7)
In conclusion, according to Tanner child become to learn there is always risk with loving keeping to doubt he is not lovable, and it is accentuated through communication with his parents (1973, p1-20).


Tanner’s argument, “loneliness result from fear of love” is interesting and reasonable. His opinion, loneliness results from childhood event, is based on the fact that communication mechanism which is built up during young age repeated again and again in rest of our life. The author’s observation to read and to follow children mental process is sharp and brilliant; however it is not creative, because the foundation is Dr. Fraud’s theory, all of mental phenomenon result from childhood trauma. Also he should have explained relation between fear of love and loneliness more specifically. It should be attached that Child is easy to avoid taking a risk in relationship and it make him hesitate to show his love to somebody. In addition, “fear of love” is not enough to mean fear of possibility love is rejected, because simple “fear of love” does not contain to doubt one’s own worth. However Tanner’s point of view, loneliness is self protection process to prevent to take a risk is persuasive.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

2. The Nature of Loneliness

John Bowlby said in “Loneliness” in the MIT Press 1973, p33-52 “to avoid isolation and to maintain proximity to a familiar figure”(p49) are for “minimizing the possibility of danger and maximizing safety”(p49) and it is found “not only in man but in other species as well”(p47).
Bowlby explain “Bonds between individuals develop, because an individual discover that, in order to reduce certain drives, for food in infancy and for sex in adult life, another human being is necessary.”(1973, p40) Also he point out “we learn that human beings are convenient agents for helping us avoid pain which repels us” (1973, p.41)
With regard to these purpose of proximity, Bowlby explain it with baboon’s example. He proposes that “those early members of the species who lacked effective proximity-promoting mechanisms must have been more likely to become isolated from their band” (1973, p34). It is because “lone creatures possessing neither outstanding strength nor other natural weaponry would have been easy prey for the large carnivores” (Bowlby. J, 1973, p34).
In conclusion, Bowlby suggest “mechanism of loneliness must have become part of the human responses pattern as a result of their utility for the survival of the species.” (1973, p33)

Proximity nearness in distance or time
We chose the house for its proximity to the school.

Wander to walk slowly across or around an area, usually without a clear direction or purpose
I'll wander around the mall for half an hour.

Compulsive compulsive behavior is very difficult to stop or control, and is often a result of or a sign of a mental problem

Vicissitudes the continuous changes and problems that affect a situation or someone's life
The vicissitudes of married life

Notably used to say that a person or thing is a typical example or the most important example of something
Some early doctors, notably Hippocrates, thought that diet was important.

Perquisite something that you get legally from your work in addition to your wages, such as goods, meals, or a car

Flee to leave somewhere very quickly, in order to escape from danger
Many German artists fled to America at the beginning of World War II.

Whilst while

Tenaciously determined to do something and unwilling to stop trying even when the situation becomes difficult
A tenacious negotiator

Confront if a problem, difficulty etc confronts you, it appears and needs to be dealt with
The problems confronting the new government were enormous.

Repel if something repels you, it is so unpleasant that you do not want to be near it, or it makes you feel ill
The smell repelled him.

Accumulate to gradually get more and more money, possessions, knowledge etc over a period of time
It is unjust that a privileged few should continue to accumulate wealth.

Imprint to print or press the mark of an object on something
One snowy morning footprints and tyre marks were imprinted in the snow.

Tactile relating to your sense of touch
Tactile sensations

Baboon a large monkey that lives in Africa and South Asia

Sunday, September 16, 2007


Symptomatology ?(not in a dictionary)
Manifestation = demonstration
Manifestation of the disease made people scared
Excruciatingly = extremely
His essay is excruciatingly bad.
Baffle = confuse
That question baffled me totally.
Aberration = an action or event that is different from what usually happens or what someone usually does
Consequence = result
Decrease of export is one of consequences of inflation.
Exotic = foreign
This bird is exotic.
Disparage = ridicule
The comedian is widely disparaged by other comedians.
Frailty = weakness
She is ashamed of the frailty of her thin body.
Reclusive = isolated
She became reclusive after divorced.
Undignified = unseemly, improper
There was an undignified scramble for the free drinks.
Gratification = satisfaction
The success gave a lot of gratification to us.
Uncanny = weird, very strange
That was really uncanny coincidence.
Berate = to speak angrily to someone because they have done something wrong
Peculiar = odd
There was peculiar smell in the kitchen.

Loneliness chap 1.

Loneliness: The Experience of Emotional and Social Isolation
1. The Study of Loneliness
According to Robert S. Weiss, in “Loneliness” in the MIT Press 1973, p 7-30, even though there has been little research on loneliness(p.9), “useful distinction between emotional and social isolation”(p.19) was built, and its effect is depend on ages, gender, and wealth(p.26).
The writer explains the reason that few psychologists or sociologists have studied the ordinary loneliness of ordinary people is neglect of loneliness (Weiss, 1973, p.9). He say “Loneliness is much more often commented on by songwriters than by social scientists” Frieda Fromm-Reichmann also noticed that “the absence of attention to loneliness was to be explained not by the challenge loneliness presented to understanding but rather by the threat it presented to well-being (Weiss, 1973, p.10).
However, Weiss established a distinction between two sorts of loneliness: emotional isolation and social isolation (1973, p.19). According to Weiss, first one “results from the loss or lack of a truly intimate tie (usually with spouse, parent, or child)” (1973, p.20) and second one is “consequence of lacking a network of involvements with peers of some sort” such as fellow workers, kinfolk, neighbors (1973, p.22)
Also, Weiss explains specific group of people are more vulnerable to loneliness. Through a telephone survey, he figure out that women are easier to feel lonely and it is more sever as they get older (1973, p.26). Weiss adds poor people are more likely to be lonely comparing to rich people (1973, p.27).

Monday, September 10, 2007

Another Step to Forward

Hello, brand new class~

I'm jay from Korea, as you know.
I was university students in my country (one year's left until graduaion).
My major is business and management.
I love all kinds of new trial, and hate all kinds of block.
So that is why I learn a lot from trial and error.

Anyway, let's have a fun during 2 months!!

Monday, June 25, 2007

leadership drill

Leadership drill

This video is an interview with Courtney Lynch, a former Marin Corps Captin. In this interview she introduce her book, Leading from the front. This book is about leadership tatics for the female officers. When she worked for Marin Corps, there was only 1,000 female officers, compared to 180,000 male officers. This situation made her to be interested in woman's leadership skill, so she wrote this book after quiting her job.
Mrs. Lynch said female leaders need two kinds of leadership skills. One is comon skills for both man and woman such as being decisive, having courage, and setting vision. The other is just for woman, and it is about a emotional issue, that is, right styles of communications. For example, pepering one's speech with "I'm sorry" or having tears in office place is not good for one's leadership, she said.
Also, she talks about making decisions. In business fields, it is impossible to get 100% perfect informations, so it is not good to try to seek right answers always. In other words, there was no perpect right decisions and perpect wrong ones. She argues a choice makes progress.

This interview consists of 6 questions and answers, and through these the author explain her experiences and thoughts in detail. These makes listeners (exactly female officers) to want to buy her book for improving their leadership skills, I think.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

When it comes to happiness...

One of my freinds told me it is happiness that you would feel when you eat noodle by using two pieces of pencil and find a pair of chopsticks by accident.

I totally agree with it, as sometimes it is very easy to feel that.

However, true happiness would come only if one found out the value of oneself, and you can get it among other people. In other words, when you help somebody and they get better than before, you can recognize your value. When you joined a group working, and you did not make any other differnce in that, you would suspect the reason you are there. I mean "the added value." What I really want to say is the added value to anybody by yourself make you happy.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Authentic Leadership

Authentic Leadership

This video is an interview with Bill George, the author of the "True North", and Main idea of this video is the meaning of authentic leadership and the way to realize it.
Mr. George explain the Authentic leadership is follow the rule which you think right. In other words, authentic leaders always act according to their conscience. However many leaders have failed to be authentic, as there are a lot of lures in business field which have leaders make wrong dicisions. Also he point out the position of leader is not open to everyone, nor is authentic leadership, and female authentic leaders are unusual.

In addtion, the interviewee told that changing his workplace from the Honeywell, a computer making company, to the Medtronic, his right former company, was his turnig point for thinking about authentic leadership, as the later is more good to make close relationship with employee, to work enthusiastically and to show authentic leadership.

This video is helpful to understand the concept of authentic leadership, which is unusual for most people. Also it is reliable, as the interviewee is an author of a book and eminent businessman. However, the concept of authentic leadership is abstract, so it is doubtful that this concept is helpful in the business field. Also, english of this video is too fast to understand.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Do what you really want!

Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple, gave a speech at the graduation ceremony of Stanford for celebrating student and cheering them up. It consisted of three stories.
First one is about connecting dots. Connecting dots standed for a situation that some experiences that you did in past become unbelievablely helpful in someday. In other words, every experience that you have is kind of dots which will be connected successfully in the future. One of Steve Jobs's connecting dots was taking a caligraphy course in his school. After long years later, what he learned from that course became very powerful for making program of makintosh.
Mr. Jobs also argue that you have to do what you really want to do. Once in the past, he was fired from the company that he founded. After that he had to spend very hard time, but enthusiasm for what he really want to do made him challenge the computer business again, and he could succeed finally. By this example, he insisted listening to your heart says is so important that you have to try to search continually what you want.
Finally, the speaker told about a death. All people do not want to die, but it can play a great role to make people decide right choice when they remind their life is limited. Mr. jobs said he was near to death because of his cancer in pancreas, and it was a precious experience to make him know a value of life and just follow his heart always.
I think what he really want to say is you have to do what you really want to do and it makes your life extraordinary. Connecting dot is just a process to search for what you want, and keeping the meaning of a death in your mind makes you long for what you want. Actually, I found what I really want to do a few months ago, although it is a little bit vague. It is to be a good coach enough to raise great business leaders and I will work any business place where it can be realized. I learned from a company where I did internship that great business leader is also great coach. That lesson was a truth that I was looking for so far, so the speech of Mr. jobs made me totally agree with him.

Saturday, June 2, 2007

leadership in customer service

thought on leadership : leadership in customer service

The main idea of this lecture is importance of customer service and leader's role to create good customer service.
The speaker state customer service play important role as front line of the company. he gives an example of his own. when he had a problem that he leaved his key in his car, he visit customer service center. However, no employee ask him what does he want and nobody is allowed to make decision except manager. As a result, a process to solve the problem become so complicated, and his impression of the company leaved bad for a long time. he emphasize customer service so important that when front line person lie whoe company can be regarded liar.
Furthermore, the speaker argue that leader's role is setting a good example to fulfill what customers really want. (I guess it is a kind of process system of customer service center)

This lecture is composed of two part. One is interview for person concern with customer service, and the other is speaker's own lecture. (Actually, I cannot understand first one. Also, some part of lecture could not be understood.) In lecture, he suggest good example to explain customer service. And it help to understand his point. However on the whole the lecture is so hard to understand.

Friday, May 25, 2007

1st homestay

Someday, this was happened after I had arrived in Toronto of Canada.

Homestay Father(HF below this line) : Why was you late to call my wife you are going to late for dinner?

Jay: Oh, Actually I think I don't be late, but..

HF: Don't excuse. Just say sorry.

Jay: Oh, I'm sorry.

HF: And did you complain through your agency?

Jay: Pardon?

HF: Did you complain through your agency? Yes or no?

Jay: Yes, I did.

HF: Do you live with me or with your agency?

Jay: Pardon?(I was too nervous to listen his saying. I had thousands of butterflies in my stomach in that time)

HF: Don't pretend not to understand! You are level 5 student.

Jay: I didn't pretend, and I'm serious!!

HF: You... blah blah blah... (His face flushed with anger, and he said so fast that I could not hear at all)

Jay: You are angry with me.

HF: I don't angry at all! I'm teaching you! (Actually, I heard he was teacher. This is true.)
blah blah blah....(It was so fast again) Do you understand now?

Jay: Yes, I understand. (No, I pretended.)

HF: What was your falt?

Jay: ......

HF: What are you thinking about?

Jay: I'm just searching what is my fault. I mean...

HF: You think you don't have any fault?

Jay: No, I'm just seeking the right words to explain my fault!

HF: Don't excuse! blah blah blah...

I pray that nothing will be happened again like this.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Little Miss Sunshine

11. How does the father influence the girl?

The father discouraged the girl, but sometimes he encouraged her. At first, his influence was negitive. When the family ate together in a restaurant, he told his daughter that eating icecream prevented winning the Little Miss Sunshine pageant. This depressed Olive, and she didn't eat her icecream. However, in later time he encouraged his daughter. He gave her good example to execute what grand father always say, the winner is the one who carry out what he is thinking. I think the action he showed at the hospital made her decide to dance on the stages. All in all, the father gave significant influences positively or impositively.

19. What is the father's idea of success? Is the father a winner or a looser? Explain your answer.

He is a winner. the grand father define a winner a person who excutes what remains in one's mind. Also there is a statistical research, and it's results tell us that every people can regret something, but successful people usually regret what he should not have done, in contrast unsuccessful people usually regret what he should have done. The father just did what he believe right. For example, he carried his father's body to Califonia, and he danced on the stage to help her daughter. To sum up, he is a winner whatever his social status is.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

When it comes to Jay...


I'm from seoul, Korea.

26 years old guy majoring business and management in Yonsei University in Korea.

I'm here to study English.

I'd like to enjoy the life in the YUELI

Sometimes it feels difficult to improve english skill.

However, forget it।

I'm going to just bite the bullet!!