Saturday, September 22, 2007

2. The Nature of Loneliness

John Bowlby said in “Loneliness” in the MIT Press 1973, p33-52 “to avoid isolation and to maintain proximity to a familiar figure”(p49) are for “minimizing the possibility of danger and maximizing safety”(p49) and it is found “not only in man but in other species as well”(p47).
Bowlby explain “Bonds between individuals develop, because an individual discover that, in order to reduce certain drives, for food in infancy and for sex in adult life, another human being is necessary.”(1973, p40) Also he point out “we learn that human beings are convenient agents for helping us avoid pain which repels us” (1973, p.41)
With regard to these purpose of proximity, Bowlby explain it with baboon’s example. He proposes that “those early members of the species who lacked effective proximity-promoting mechanisms must have been more likely to become isolated from their band” (1973, p34). It is because “lone creatures possessing neither outstanding strength nor other natural weaponry would have been easy prey for the large carnivores” (Bowlby. J, 1973, p34).
In conclusion, Bowlby suggest “mechanism of loneliness must have become part of the human responses pattern as a result of their utility for the survival of the species.” (1973, p33)

Proximity nearness in distance or time
We chose the house for its proximity to the school.

Wander to walk slowly across or around an area, usually without a clear direction or purpose
I'll wander around the mall for half an hour.

Compulsive compulsive behavior is very difficult to stop or control, and is often a result of or a sign of a mental problem

Vicissitudes the continuous changes and problems that affect a situation or someone's life
The vicissitudes of married life

Notably used to say that a person or thing is a typical example or the most important example of something
Some early doctors, notably Hippocrates, thought that diet was important.

Perquisite something that you get legally from your work in addition to your wages, such as goods, meals, or a car

Flee to leave somewhere very quickly, in order to escape from danger
Many German artists fled to America at the beginning of World War II.

Whilst while

Tenaciously determined to do something and unwilling to stop trying even when the situation becomes difficult
A tenacious negotiator

Confront if a problem, difficulty etc confronts you, it appears and needs to be dealt with
The problems confronting the new government were enormous.

Repel if something repels you, it is so unpleasant that you do not want to be near it, or it makes you feel ill
The smell repelled him.

Accumulate to gradually get more and more money, possessions, knowledge etc over a period of time
It is unjust that a privileged few should continue to accumulate wealth.

Imprint to print or press the mark of an object on something
One snowy morning footprints and tyre marks were imprinted in the snow.

Tactile relating to your sense of touch
Tactile sensations

Baboon a large monkey that lives in Africa and South Asia

Sunday, September 16, 2007


Symptomatology ?(not in a dictionary)
Manifestation = demonstration
Manifestation of the disease made people scared
Excruciatingly = extremely
His essay is excruciatingly bad.
Baffle = confuse
That question baffled me totally.
Aberration = an action or event that is different from what usually happens or what someone usually does
Consequence = result
Decrease of export is one of consequences of inflation.
Exotic = foreign
This bird is exotic.
Disparage = ridicule
The comedian is widely disparaged by other comedians.
Frailty = weakness
She is ashamed of the frailty of her thin body.
Reclusive = isolated
She became reclusive after divorced.
Undignified = unseemly, improper
There was an undignified scramble for the free drinks.
Gratification = satisfaction
The success gave a lot of gratification to us.
Uncanny = weird, very strange
That was really uncanny coincidence.
Berate = to speak angrily to someone because they have done something wrong
Peculiar = odd
There was peculiar smell in the kitchen.

Loneliness chap 1.

Loneliness: The Experience of Emotional and Social Isolation
1. The Study of Loneliness
According to Robert S. Weiss, in “Loneliness” in the MIT Press 1973, p 7-30, even though there has been little research on loneliness(p.9), “useful distinction between emotional and social isolation”(p.19) was built, and its effect is depend on ages, gender, and wealth(p.26).
The writer explains the reason that few psychologists or sociologists have studied the ordinary loneliness of ordinary people is neglect of loneliness (Weiss, 1973, p.9). He say “Loneliness is much more often commented on by songwriters than by social scientists” Frieda Fromm-Reichmann also noticed that “the absence of attention to loneliness was to be explained not by the challenge loneliness presented to understanding but rather by the threat it presented to well-being (Weiss, 1973, p.10).
However, Weiss established a distinction between two sorts of loneliness: emotional isolation and social isolation (1973, p.19). According to Weiss, first one “results from the loss or lack of a truly intimate tie (usually with spouse, parent, or child)” (1973, p.20) and second one is “consequence of lacking a network of involvements with peers of some sort” such as fellow workers, kinfolk, neighbors (1973, p.22)
Also, Weiss explains specific group of people are more vulnerable to loneliness. Through a telephone survey, he figure out that women are easier to feel lonely and it is more sever as they get older (1973, p.26). Weiss adds poor people are more likely to be lonely comparing to rich people (1973, p.27).

Monday, September 10, 2007

Another Step to Forward

Hello, brand new class~

I'm jay from Korea, as you know.
I was university students in my country (one year's left until graduaion).
My major is business and management.
I love all kinds of new trial, and hate all kinds of block.
So that is why I learn a lot from trial and error.

Anyway, let's have a fun during 2 months!!